www.bocaratondirectory.com - Boca Raton Directory
Posted 01/25/2024 by City National Bank

Claudia Rodney

Claudia Rodney

Claudia, give our readers a brief intro about what you do and how you got started.

I'm at banker that's specializes in businesses. I provide concierge banking to my clients. I'm a relationship banker not transactional. I've been doing this for 27 years now.

What have been your biggest challenge(s) so far?

My biggest challenge has been business owners not understanding the value of having a banker on their team. Every business owner should have a personal banker that they can contact when it comes to anything related to their business accounts, account services and business financing.

What you’re most proud of / what readers should know about your work / what sets you apart from others.

I am most proud and sets me apart is my dedication and passion for what I do. I treat my business as it is my own. I act like and owner and take ownership of each relationship. I'm accessible to my clients and build true relationships with them. I truly care!

What does success mean to you / what gives you most gratitude?

Success means to me is being truly happy with what I do every day. I can't imagine having to do a job that I'm not truly happy and passionate about. What gives me gratitude is providing the appropriate solutions to my clients to meet the needs that they have.

What do you think is most unique about the city/population of Boca Raton and working with this community?

What is unique you about Boca Raton is how close knit of a community Boca Raton is. This makes it vital to have a pristine reputation among the community. If not, the word gets around very quickly.

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